What Happens When I Come To Clinic?

This site is intended for healthcare professionals as a useful source of information on the diagnosis, treatment and support of patients with lupus and related connective tissue diseases.
Clinic visits are essential to enable the doctors and team to monitor your disease activity and to adjust your medication and any other treatments. It is very important that you attend your clinic appointments even if you are feeling well.

You will be seen by your doctor at every visit and by different members of the rheumatology team when necessary. This could be the nurse specialist, the occupational therapist, physiotherapist or psychologist. The doctor may feel that you need to also be seen by a different type of hospital specialist (e.g. nephrologist for kidney disease or neurologist for brain symptoms). You will be examined at each visit and have your blood pressure checked. You will be asked if you want a urine specimen for testing and usually have a blood test. As you get older you will be asked if you want to be seen on your own for all or part of the clinic visit. Many young people value this opportunity and it is good practice for when you are older and attending adult clinics.