What’s in the Future For Me?

This site is intended for healthcare professionals as a useful source of information on the diagnosis, treatment and support of patients with lupus and related connective tissue diseases.
When first diagnosed with lupus you may feel your life is all upside down and you have little control over it. There are major changes to make such as frequent clinic visits, medications and learning all about a disease you probably had never heard of.

Although these adjustments can be difficult, they will lessen as you become more familiar with living with lupus. As you start to feel better your daily routines of school and social events with friends become a priority and lupus is not always on your mind.
Your career goals, relationships and having your own family are all realistic and important goals to look forward to. If you decide to travel for an extended period of time this may take more planning. However if you are careful and take precautions there is no reason why any of your future plans should have to change.

There is no doubt that lupus may complicate your life at times. Hopefully this guide has answered some of your questions about lupus. Having a good understanding of lupus will enable you to take responsibility for yourself and your treatment programme.