What can I do to prepare to move to adult services?

This site is intended for healthcare professionals as a useful source of information on the diagnosis, treatment and support of patients with lupus and related connective tissue diseases.
There are a few things that you can do to start to get ready for moving to adult services...

• Learn more about your condition and treatment so you can be involved in making decisions about your care

• Start to take more responsibility for taking your medication/requesting prescriptions

• Keep important phone numbers in relation to your lupus care in your diary, mobile phone or calender

• Start to take responsibility for remembering your appointments (put the dates in your phone, diary etc)

• Practice asking questions yourself when you go to clinic (perhaps write them or jot them in your mobile phone before you come)

• Try spending a few minutes talking to your doctor in clinic without your parent or carer in the room

• Find out who to contact if you require help urgently or in an emergency in relation to your lupus

• Let the paediatric team know what help you might need to feel ready to move to adult services

• Let the paediatric team know when you feel ready to make the transition